Would you be interested in organizing a 3 v. 3 tourney some weekend?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Basketball Tonight (Thursday)!!!

It was good seeing a lot of you out last night. There were 2 full court games going. Unfortunately for me, I was 1 and done twice before throwing in the towel and hitting up the gym. Since it's so nice out today, I'm going to try my luck again after work. I'll be there 6-6:30. Hope to see a lot of you there.


1 comment:

  1. Zach - "1 and done" is usually your mantra, especially when I'm on the opposing team. Look at it this way. When you're on the sidelines and I'm lighting up your successors, you can pick up some valuable tips. At least your exercising, albeit for only a few short minutes. Keep trying little guy!
